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Help PBBoard translation for Portuguese Brazilian
Michel 30-07-2014 08:16 صباحاً
May God bless you and help us in our projects.
Hi I'm Michel and I'm Brazilian, I'm pbboard translated into Portuguese of Brazil.

I ask for help to find a way to translate faster pbboard, translating the control panel, there is a little delay, because of the number of pages I have to go to that was the issue, for example: 1-2-3 -4 -128 if I want to go to page 20 have to go through one by one to get to page 20.

please ask if there is how to translate faster.

I appreciate the help and thanks for Pbboard be free.

sorry my English is basic.

A hug and be with God!
منتدى دعم PBBoard الرسمي

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